(619) 464-1607 info@mdsrsandiego.com

Contact Us

Contact Us

If you are interested in contacting our site to discuss placing a clinical trial or participating in one of our currently enrolling studies, please call us or complete and send the e-mail form below. Thank you for your interest.

    OFFICE: Site Information

    Address:  6280 Jackson Dr.
    Address:  Suite 8
    Address:  San Diego, CA 92119


    Tel: (619) 464-1607

    Cell: (760) 889-7307

    Fax: (619) 303-8456

    Email: info@mdsrsandiego.com

    CEO: Hakim Mohamed, DBA, MBA

    Address:  6280 Jackson Dr.
    Address:  Suite 8
    Address:  San Diego, CA 92119



    Tel: (619) 861-5314

    Fax: (619) 479-6726

    Email: mhakim@oscmsandiego.com

    SITE DIRECTOR: Leo Cortes, MBA

    Address:  6280 Jackson Dr.
    Address:  Suite 8

    Address:  San Diego, CA 92119


    Tel: (619) 464-1607

    Cell: (760) 889-7307

    Fax: (619) 303-8456

    Email: leo@mdsrsandiego.com